-No caps, no cuts.
[Ep. 17]
G7 and crew are hanging out underneath an entrance to shield themselves from the rain. The weather makes them gloomy but they try to lift the mood by singing songs that has "rain" in the lyrics. Most of them end up being trot songs. Hyomin sings a song as a pun and Sunhwa goofs up "It's Raining Men" by saying "It's raining rain," hahaha.
Chores and tasks that need to be done today are discussed. They include,preparing for their Open House they are doing, making food for the guests that are coming, and visiting a local elementary school to help celebrate the little kids' graduations.
Today, they are able to use their phones to invite guests to an Open House of their new home. They start to call their celebrity friends. Sunny calls Kim Jisuk (an actor).
Later they go off to the elementary school. The little kids are asked which G7 they like. There was one boy that was really shy but lucky to go up and dance with Yuri and Sunny. Also, two other kids got to do the Abracadabra dance with Narsha, lol.
After that, they come back to prepare dinner. During this time, they continue to call their celebrity friends to come to their Open House. Shinyoung calls Heechul (Super Junior) and Seungri (Big Bang) to come. The girls nag Hyomin to also call her friends up but she isn't so easy to persuade. Hyunah starts to mimic Hyomin and it's freakishly similar! The others laugh at how similar she sounds. Hyomin ends up calling Lee Suhjin (an actor) but he can't come, which adds to the poor character Hyomin has. Taewoo invites Yun Jonghun (an actor and also, YoonA's ideal type) and also Rain. Unfortunately, the place they are filming at is quite far and not too many of the people who were called can make it.
Cooking preparations are continued. Among the food, they are making Korean pancakes. Shinyoung's cooking skills are shown and are quite impressive. As they continue to cook, their first guest arrives early! It's none other than Heechul who Shinyoung invited over!
Shinyoung and the rest who are cooking with her get him to eat some of the pancakes they're making. Heechul feels overwhelmed and yells, "Why did you call me over!?" to Shinyoung, lol.
The other team (Yuri, Sunny, Hara, and Hyomin) are busy making homemade tofu elsewhere. As they are making the tofu, the second guest arrives! It's Lee GeIn (an actor and Shinyoung's "dad"). They end up making him help make the tofu and told him to go look for Shinyoung so they could have a reunion, lol. They end up doing the same impersonation which brought many laughs.
The third guest arrives and it's none other than Hyoyeon! Apparently, she really wanted to come join them on IY. She was then asked out of G7 who would she take place of? Hyoyeon said she was take Yuri's place, lol.
Soon after, Nicole (KARA) comes! Nicole ends up fixing Hara's makeup and acting all motherly, lol. Taewoo wanted a touch-up as well.
All the guests greet each other while Shinyoung gives Heechul a tour and shows off the animals. She tries to force Heechul into the chicken coup as a joke, haha. Eventually he greets the other guests and it becomes slightly awkward since everyone's doing their own thing, lol.
Anyhow, they get situated and Shinyoung asks Heechul who he thinks is the most charming out of the G7. He chooses Hara for her powerful and expressive stare. Taewoo and the rest make fun of her.
Nicole asks when they're going to eat food when they hear Hyoyeon clear her throat to catch their attention. She's in the back while Hyomin is holding a sign for her that says: "You call me here but you don't pay any attention to me? ㅠ.ㅠ;;" (aww, she's become the next "folding screen")
Nicole and Hyoyeon move on to see the other team making the pancakes. It's determined that both of them are like Sunhwa and that now there are 3 Sunhwas on set! Shinyoung quizzes them to see if they're as "intelligent" as Sunhwa is. It's confirmed that they're just like her! Hyoyeon doesn't want to be though, lol. Sunhwa is asked to be the tour guide for the two other Sunhwas, lol. Narsha is left alone to make all the pancakes.
The tofu-making team is finally at the stage where the block of tofu is being formed. Heechul is helping them. The girls comment how girly and elegant Heechul looks with his long hair down. They make him and Taewoo turn around. From the back, they totally look like a couple, haha! Taewoo takes it too far by groping Heechul's butt and the girls' start to freak out. Anyhow, the tofu is finished and they reward their hard efforts by eating some of their tofu with kimchi!
As they finish eating, BEAST makes their appearance and Heechul takes his leave as he has to go to his drama filming! Sunny sends him off with tofu and Shinyoung sends him off with some of their home-grown mushrooms.
BEAST performs "Mystery" for the G7 family. All of them start to mimick the head-bobbing "mystery" move. Sunhwa ends up looking like a chicken, lol. Still, Narsha on the other hand is busy with cooking the pancakes by herself.
Later, Hyomin and Sunny feed the cow the tofu water which the cow really loves. Hyomin tries to give the cow the other bowl of tofu water but she's scared and freaks out when she sees the cow's long tongue.
Finally, all the food is done and they all sit down to eat. By this time, the final guest comes and it's none other than YoonA's ideal man, Yun Jonghun! G7 cheer loudly and fangirl. They end up forming a line to shake his hand, hahaha!
They all eat together happily and send the guests off after the meal. At the end, a surprise guest appears and it ends up being Sunhwa's grandmother and two younger siblings whom she hasn't seen it quite awhile. Sunhwa's grandmother is rather boisterous (coming from Busan - a country town) and starts bad-mouthing Sunhwa's cooking jokingly, haha. In anycase, it's was a pleasant surprise for Sunhwa.
[Ep. 18]
This episode opens with Hara and Hyuna going out to the chicken coup to collect eggs! They end up finding 5 eggs this time!
After, G7 gather up to figure out what chores and tasks they have to do today. Today is special as it is the Lunar Festival! They are to make a special meal and make a bonfire to celebrate!
The group splits up into two teams as usual. Shinyoung, Sunny, Sunhwa, and Hyomin are the cooking team. While the rest are to pick up tree branches to build the bonfire later on.
Taewoo is missing (for his concert) and two guests were called on to help out. The two guests end up being Shindong (Super Junior/comedian) and Noh Yoomin (comedian). Shinyoung calls Yoomin (whose wearing a funny wig) a DongBaOh, an acronym for: "the neighborhood dumb older brother," hahaha. Also, apparently, Hyuna is Shindong's ideal type and wanted to see her.
Before they split up to do their tasks, Hyuna informs them that the chicken has laid 5 eggs (which is important to know later on in the episode)! Narsha being the "adult idol" that she is makes a sexual comment and Hyuna (her character as a whiny PD) complains that now this whole scene will be edited out, lol.
The bonfire team heads out on tractors to get tree branches while the cooking team goes out to buy groceries!
On the bus, the cooking team talk about how Hyomin and her farting became a top search on the web and how people were asking if that noise that was made was either a sound effect or was her actual fart. Shinyoung says that in truth, the sound was more like a car revving, hahahaha! Hyomin blames the fact that she forgot to take out the foods that make her gaseous during filming days, lol.
Meanwhile, the bonfire team finally go out to pick out branches. Shindong carries Hara on her back, Narsha and Hyuna take this as a chance to poke Hara in the butt (ddong jim), hahaha!
Noh Yoomin ends up doing most of the hard work since he is tricked by the girls into doing it for them by flattering him. Shindong and Hyuna are paired off to pick branches. Eventually, Yoomin's hard working to impress the girls wears him out and he asks Yuri to lift his wig off for a second as he wipes his sweat, lol.
They get the Chongjangnim to wear the wig and they start cracking up. Eventually Yuri and Hara end up wearing the wig as well which was pretty funny to see.
Eventually, they finish and by this time Hyuna has to leave to do a different schedule. Shindong is sad but has a present for her which ends up being a twig, but she still likes it, lol.
Shindong walks her off to her car and she asks him to make a wish for her when they do the bonfire.
As for the cooking team, they finally arrive to town and go to the mart to buy the ingredients they need. Sunhwa finds bread samples and Shinyoung ends up eating all of them! As they go to pay, they end up spending too much money so they take some things out. Finally, they head off home to cook! Sunny ends up holding the box of groceries and she says that this would be the reason why her height keeps on shrinking, lol!
Back with the bonfire team, they call for take-out which ends up being jjajangmyun and as usual they ask for free dumplings and lots of pickled radishes as well as a plate of sweet-and-sour pork!
Eating the jjajangmyun the fastest becomes a contest! The winning team gets to eat the sweet-and-sour pork while the loosing team has to dip their feet in the freezing water! The team is split into two; Narsha, Yuri, and Yoomin on one team and Hara, Shindong, and the Chongjangnim on the other!
The winning team is Hara, Shindong, and the Chongjangnim! Therefore, Narsha, Yuri, and Yoomin have to dip their feet in the cold freezing water for a whole minute!
Yuri only lasts 20 seconds while Narsha dipped hers in for like 0.2 seconds. Noh Yoomin had to stick his feet in for the 40 seconds left over! The winning team lets them eat the sweet-and-sour pork as well.
Finally, the cooking team gets to cooking! Sunny and Hyomin are responsible for the rice while Sunhwa and Shinyoung are responsible for the bean sprouts. Again, Shinyoung shows off her superior cooking skills.
During this, Sunhwa shows off her "intelligence." She thinks IT (Information Technology) stands for the internet and FTA (Free Trade Agreement) is FIFA (Soccer Association) as well as not knowing a few other things.
Meanwhile, Sunny and Hyomin are washing the grain. Yoochi (the puppy) starts getting in the way and they scold him. Hyomin says her scolding voice works only on Yoochi.
Hyomin ends up calling her dad to help them with the cooking. He says he can't help since he has only cooked steaks and the like. Shinyoung says that they'll call him when they make steaks and stuff. Her dad becomes concerned that she'll be edited out again, hahaha!
Sunny and Hyomin complain that they only get 1 cameraman while Shinyoung and Sunhwa get 3. They're thankful that the 1 cameraman stayed to film them.
The bonfire team come back with the branches and start to build the bonfire. They place the kites they made in a previous episode on top of the bonfire.
Back at the cooking team, Shinyoung makes them play a game where they mimic other G7 members for fun. Shinyoung wants to be Yuri, Sunhwa wants to be Hyuna, Sunny wants to be Hyomin, and Hyomin is chosen to be Narsha. (I really recommend you guys watching this part, it's really funny!) They all end up doing really good impressions of each other except Shinyoung who just does the "lion pose." Hyomin says it's really depressing if that's what she really acts like when Sunny did her impression.
Suddenly they talk about past boyfriends. Sunhwa broke up with her boyfriend because she became a singer. Hyomin broke up with her boyfriend because it became frustrating because they never fought.
The bonfire team are now making cans which they light on fire and throw to fulfill their wishes. Again, Yoochi creates mischief and Yuri runs after him, hahaha. They start to make the cans.
Shindong makes a special one for Hyuna with her name on it so he can fulfill her wish.
The cooking team starts to fry Hara's eggs which they end up eating themselves without telling Hara. The cooking team start to scarf them down even though Hara could/would be angry that they're eating them themselves. They even let some of the staff and cameramen have a bite to eat. Hara suddenly appears, luckily they ate all of the eggs by this time. Hara asks about the eggs and they make an excuse that the eggs weren't cook-able and distract her with rice. She's still suspicious but gives up. They blame the cow and say that they fed the eggs to the cow.
Finally, dinner is cooked and they dig in! They have mixed rice and vegetables. After dinner, they crack nuts and eat them as custom for Lunar festival.
After, they go out to set the bonfire on fire and celebrate the festival. First they show off their wishes they wrote down. Most of them said they want everyone to stay healthy and make alot of money. Next, traditional drummers and dancer come out and they all dance around the bonfire and have fun. After the bonfire is mostly burnt down, they bake sweet potatoes and light their cans they made on fire and spin them around and throw them to make wishes!
That about wraps it up! Comment :D
Thanks so much for the translations guys! I can always count on you both for thorough summaries ^^. In the beginning, Hyunah seemed really whiny but the past few episodes, she's really stepped up and she's absolutely hilarious
ReplyDeletehey i dont know...maybe i'm wrong, but i think it's not eps 17 when nicole come...