- They sang Oh! LIVE. Hyoyeon and Yuri did some cheap dancing, lol.
- It was Sooyoung's 21st birthday! She wore a large bow for the occasion.
- Sunny could not be there as she was very sick.
- Seohyun's graduation was also talked about. She was asked which unnie took care of her the best during the times when it was difficult to study for school and do promotions. She said all of them took care of her but Tiffany especially, because she gave her a graduation present (a bookbag).
- They were asked if they have any new talents to show off. Sooyoung did a very short voice impersonation of a character from the current airing drama: Pasta, as well as a Kim Nayoung impersonation. Hyoyeon did a spoof of CNBlue's song.
- Randomly, Tiffany's socks she was wearing were turned into a prize for a listener to win, haha!
- They were then asked what type of shows they would be good at or would want to be cast in. Hyoyeon said she would be good at Invincible Youth (and other reality shows) to which Tiffany also added that you must watch Hyoyeon for awhile in order to see her true charms (like we saw in Hello Baby). She then did a little self-promoting for herself to some music.
Besides doing her musical, Jessica would also like to do a reality show. She also did a little request for any PDs out there.
Seohyun would like to do a musical or voice acting/narration. She did self-promoting with a feel as a voice-actor. She freaked out a bit because it was embarrassing, lol. She did well though, since her voice is very clear.
- They talked about Oh! next. They were asked if they practiced on their expressions. Yuri commented that Seohyun was no joke when it came to practicing! Hyoyeon added that Seohyun practiced late at night, facing the mirror working on her expressions and gestures and it really paid off as it translated nicely during stage performances and the music video. Seohyun, being her modest self said that she did it because the unnies are so good that she should practice in order to do well too. In her opinion, Yuri and Sunny are the best at expressions and gestures.
- They were asked if they practice on expression by themselves or together. They said that they do both. Hyoyeon says they do it alone but with members around. Whenever they practice together, they don't pay too much attention on each other. One time, she watched Yuri practice and she felt her hand and feel curl up in embarrassment.
- Next, they sang Star Star Star LIVE! YoonA was too embarrassed to face the front during her narration part in the beginning. Sooyoung and Seohyun crowded around her just to mess with her. You can hear them laughing, lol.
- Next corner was to pick members that are good or bad examples during certain situations or certain things.
- First was good or bad examples getting camera-selfishness (preparing for the camera). Taeyeon said Yuri is a good example of camera-selfishness because she has a nice body and so when they wore hot pants during TMYW, they put some oil on their legs to make them more attractive. To Taeyeon, when Yuri puts it on her legs it looks really good. Yuri confessed that when the others put some on, she puts on another coat of oil, lol. Taeyeon chose herself as a bad example because she put on too much one time. As a result, the oil ended up getting on the floor during a performance and the others would slip over the oil whenever they came towards the area that Taeyeon was in and at times her shoes came off because the oil was too slippery.
- They were asked who else is a bad example and YoonA chose Sunny when it comes to facial expressions because she does too much. Sooyoung added that Sunny has a really pretty smiling face however in Oh! she over-exaggerates it too much and it looks really bad.
Sooyoung's impression of Sunny's over-exaggerated smiling face.
Sooyoung then does a request to Sunny about not doing it. By this time, Jessica is cracking up really badly!
- A question was brought in by a listener: Who do you think will be the first to get a boyfriend/lover?
None of them could not really reply.
They switched the question up: Who do you think will not be the first to get a boyfriend/lover?
They all chose Sooyoung because previously she was spouting off the fact that she would be a good example of a lover/girlfriend.
- Next, who would be a good example during vacation (like who would be good at having a fun vacation). Jessica picked Tiffany because she is good at spending lots of money, haha. She said during a time they were together in New York (for Factory Girl) for work, but it felt more like a vacation because they had fun eating expensive things and Tiffany bought whatever she wanted.
They went a bit off-topic and talked about how none of them are really stingy. Hyoyeon said that what surprised her was when Seohyun said she would pay for a meal that they had together one time (along with YoonA and Nicole from KARA). When asked why she paid for the meal, Seohyun just said that she just wanted to pay for it and the fact that usually the unnies always pay for it. YoonA is also one who paid for a meal before since the unnies always pay. Hyoyeon felt moved once when YoonA randomly bought her a sticker-book because it reminded her of Hyoyeon (since she likes stickers) when she saw it.
Anyhow, back to topic. Yuri chose Seohyun as a bad example during a vacation because she seems like one who would not want to stay up at night, like she would have a strict curfew.
They go off-topic once again when Shindong said that it would probably change if they drank alcohol (since all of them are of drinking age). Tiffany gets excited, lol.
Seohyun: That's what I'm really worried about!
Jessica: This is something that Seohyun would really worry about (being 20)!
Shindong: Oh really?
Jessica: Since she's 20. She would be like, "Oh what should I do about drinking? And guys?"
Shinyoung: Seohyun, just down the bottle!
Seohyun: (sighs disapprovingly)
Shindong: Have you not drank yet?
Seohyun: I haven't yet.
Hyoyeon: We trust Seohyun though (if she drank) because she's a very proper child.
Shinyoung: Nah, even those kinds of people can become totally different if they drink!
Yuri/Tiffany: We will anticipate it when it happens!
Seohyun: I really don't want to end up like that kind of person!
Going back on topic, Sooyoung says that Seohyun isn't actually strict during vacations, but one who would be strict and has a ahjumma-style (old lady style) is Taeyeon! Taeyeon admits that she doesn't really like going out that much and she would rather stay home.
- Next, ? -not quite sure what the statement was for the good or bad example but, Seohyun says that Tiffany is the good example because she has a very loud voice. So when Seohyun goes to wake up the others in the morning, she'll wake up Tiffany first and Tiffany will wake up everyone else with her loud voice. Yuri is the bad example because she'll wake up but she's so sleepy she won't help others wake up and go down to leave herself without helping others wake up. YoonA complained that Yuri left once without waking her up.
Yuri: That's not it! I just think that I'm always the last one to wake up. And as for YoonA, I did go to wake her up! She just didn't wake up! There's been alot of times when that happened.
- Finally, they wrap up the show by being asked what they think how 2010 will be. Taeyeon says they had a wish to have concerts and since that's been fulfilled they would like to spread out with the Asia tour they're doing.
- They play Kissing You at the end and take pictures. I recommend at least watching the beginning and end of this bora, since they do cute things that can't really be described~

That's it! Comment! :D
i want to watch it~
ReplyDeleteseems fun^^
hmm..... sica and hyoeyeon in reality show??? that's gonna be great!! esp. hyoyeon^^ she needs more time~
lol the girls are funny as usual XD
Thanks for your translation.