Note: Just a few things I found interesting when I watched YoonA, Seohyun, Sooyoung, Hyoyeon, and Taeyeon's appearance on Kiss The Radio.
Some nicknames they call each other:
Sooyoung calls Hyoyeon, Hyosukie - Taeyeon, Taengie - YoonA, Yoongie - Seohyun, Makdoongie (cute way of saying maknae).
Taeyeon calls Hyoyeon, Hyoraengi (Hyoyeon+Tiger) - Sooyoung, Shikshin (Big Eater) - Seohyun, Maknengie (cute way of saying maknae) - Yoona, Jjanga (Jjanga is the name of Jjangu's -aka. Crayon Shinchan- little sister)
What kind of jobs would they have if they weren't SoShi:
Hyoyeon said she would still be a trainee, waiting to debut.
Sooyoung would be a designer. (She went off topic about her jacket which was all fur and said that the coordinator jokingly said that she caught a bear to Hyoyeon. Hyoyeon innocently asked Sooyoung if a bear was actually caught, haha!)
Taeyeon would be an announcer. In her childhood, her dream was to be announcer. She always thought she would end up being on TV.
YoonA says she has interest in cooking.
Before Seohyun could answer, the other girls teased her that she would be doing something with sweet potatoes, haha. She eventually said she would be studying in (? - music). Sooyoung added that Seohyun is very good at piano and it's kind of unfortunate that she is unable to. Hyoyeon said she would be good as a voice actor.
There was a complaint that YoonA was filmed too much because the cameraman likes YoonA the most.
Sooyoung: That's what I'm saying! My mom's watching right now!
Which overseas singers/artists they are fans of:
Sooyoung is a fan of Jason Mraz.
Hyoyeon is a fan of Chris Brown. She likes his charismatic freestyle dancing in his performing.
Taeyeon is a fan of Adam Lambert. She thinks his voice is very charming.
YoonA is a fan of Boyz II Men.
Seohyun is a fan Backstreet Boys.
Seohyun left at the last 20 mins of the show due to affairs with her graduation (which was the next day).
What are the girls' complexes (things they don't like or worry about in themselves)?
Taeyeon: The fact that I don't have much hair. It doesn't grow well so that's why I can't do many different hairstyles.
Hyoyeon: My husky voice. I think it's charming but when we sing something bubbly and wistful I have to strain my voice.
Sooyoung: I have too much hair.
YoonA: Sometimes when I take pictures, my double eyelids aren't even. I'm really happy when I wake up from sleeping and my eyelids are completely even.
How old/young are you willing to go when dating a guy?
Taeyeon - Older by 10 years difference. Younger by 1 year difference.
Hyoyeon - Older by 6 years difference. Younger by 7 months difference.
Sooyoung - Older by 12 years difference. Not interested in younger guys.
YoonA - Older by about 1-5 years difference. Not really interested in younger guys.
All of them prefer older men!
That's it! Comment :)
interesting interview, thank