Note: This is a going to be a brief summary that shares a couple of fun things that I enjoyed when I watched it. :D
No caps this time, I have no time to make them! ^^;
- They first started off by doing some of their talents which ended up being impressions.
Sooyoung did an impression for Jo Hyerun which is hilarious! She also did a Kristina (from MiSuDa) impression as well. All the girls ended up doing it together saying, "aigoo, my pretty baby!"
-Next, they talked about their new dorm and who is sharing a room with who. As confirmed before the pairings are: YoonYul, SunTaeng, SooSica, HyoHyun, & Tiffany.
Tiffany: Solitary! (by herself)
Sunny: (jokingly) She's just the throw away!
Hyoyeon: Because she's from abroad, she has alot more stuff (that's why she has a room to herself).
Hyerun: Does Yuri and YoonA match well?
Yuri: (laughs at the question)
YoonA: We don't match well...
Yuri: (looks back in shock and slaps her leg lightly)
YoonA: It can't be helped...
(They were joking around, hahaha.)
Sooyoung: YoonA keeps on coming to my room
Seohyun/Hyoyeon: She comes to our room too!
Tiffany: And my room!
YoonA: This is only when Yuri is gone for Invincible Youth!
(Yoong is cheating on her wife! :O)
Yuri: Hey!!
Question: How's Yuri's sleeping habits?
YoonA: Awhile ago, there was a time that really shocked me! I was about to go to sleep and was laying on my bed when suddenly she sat up straight and said, "So what are you saying?" (She was sleep talking)
Hyoyeon: One time, Seohyun went to go wake up Sooyoung. She was like, "Unnie, wake up!"
Then suddenly Sooyoung looked at her and was like,
Seohyun: "Hey, why don't you watch out for your own ass!" She said that to me!
Yuri: Yeah! And then Seohyun came to me and told me what Sooyoung said to her and so I said that I would take care of it. So I go to wake her up and pull off her blanket. That's when she said, "You wanna die?"
Sooyoung: I seriously don't remember saying "Why don't watch out for your own ass!" That was really sleep talking!
-Next, a corner starts where people from their past come to reunite with them!
-Before they start the corner, they talk about how Hyoyeon is bad at remembering names or saying them correctly atleast, lol. Sooyoung, YoonA, and Yuri recall times that Hyoyeon says people's names wrong, so hilarious!
- Finally, they start the corner.
Mysterious Person: The person I know is the SNSD member who plays GoStop (Korean card game which is synonymous with gambling)!
MC: Raise your hand if you're good at GoStop!
Hyoyeon, Sunny, and YoonA raise their hands.
Hyoyeon: Us three play GoStop often!
YoonA motions for her to be quiet, lol!
Hyerun: So when you guys should be practicing, you guys are playing GoStop, huh?
Mysterious Person: I'm not sure why, but this person said on a show that she never played GoStop!
MC: Well, who was it?
Mysterious Person: It was YoonA!!
YoonA: Who are you!?
Hyerun: Oh, just when did YoonA start playing GoStop?
Mysterious Person: In elementary school, YoonA and I became friends and we and another friend called ourselves Charlie's Angels! That's when we played GoStop.
MC: How well did she play?
Mysterious Person: I thought she was a professional gambler!
YoonA: (in shock) Who the heck are you!?
MC: Was there a time you guys got caught playing?
Mysterious Person: One time, we were playing when someone suddenly came in. All of us were scared except YoonA!
YoonA: Oh, I know who this is now...
Mysterious Person: She quickly took the cards and the blanket and hid it in the closet!
YoonA: That's enough, don't say anymore!
MC: What grade where you guys in when that happened?
Mysterious Person: We were in 3rd grade! (BWAHAHA!)
Then the mysterious friend of YoonA's comes out amongst 3 or so other fake ones to see if YoonA can pick which one is her friend seeing her after 10 years. As a bonus, one other friend of YoonA was in the line up and all three of them reunited, showing a photo and a letter YoonA wrote to her friend so many years ago while reminiscing! (The rest of SoShi were really interested and amazed at the whole situation.)
One time, apparently their teacher at the time told them to write names of who they would like to be with as partners, then after she tore them up. Later, YoonA and her friend were curious to see who wrote whose name.
And also, apparently sneaking into the boy's bathroom was a favorite hobby of YoonA's as well, hahaha!
In the end,
YoonA: Thank you so much for finding my friends!~
-The next mysterious person was for Yuri! (I'm not going to be so detailed for the rest of the people due to lack of time, ^^;)
Basically, it was a guy who SNSD often called for take out since their days as trainees (as soon as they saw his silhouette, they knew who exactly it was)! Apparently, the guy always gave them special free food items and stuff because he liked Yuri so much (one of the special free items was a cake)! All of SoShi really like this guy because he was so nice and showed cute aegyo to them, hahaha.
Another surprising fact that none of the SoShi members knew was that he made special food for them so they could stay healthy during training (like make Kimchi tuna fried rice instead of it being Kimchi pork fried rice).
Hyerun: If it wasn't for him looking out for you guys, you wouldn't have the nice bodies you have now!
-The next person was for Hyoyeon!
It was a guy who had a crush on her when they were kids, but he never confessed because he was too shy. Hyoyeon couldn't remember because she had many boys that liked her so much when they were kids.
YoonA: (jokingly) So what happened now?
Hyoyeon motions like she's going to punch YoonA, hahaha!
So apparently, Hyoyeon was going home with flowers from guys that liked her, and this guy walked home with her as their houses were in the same direction. She asked him why he didn't give her any flowers when everyone else did. In truth, he had flowers ready to give her at home, but he was too shy to bring them to school so he gave them to her at her house.
MC: Do you remember this Hyoyeon?
Hyoyeon: I can't honestly remember since I had so many flowers given to me!
The girls and everyone else shake their heads, hahaha.
And so, this mysterious guy also prepared a letter and gave her a hair pin as well. YoonA thought this was really romantic. Hyoyeon asks if he ever mailed her something and he said that he did.
Hyoyeon: Ah, that narrows it down to 3 guys that it could be!
Again, the girls and everyone shake their heads and fall over, lol.
Turns out that out of the 3 guys, one of them is him! In the end, she picks the right guy and they reunite! The MC asks who in SNSD he likes and he said he liked Taeyeon. Hyoyeon gets mad at this and sits down, but he was just joking around and she comes back, lol. The guy likes Hyoyeon's dancing so he requested to see her dance. They end up doing an awkward dance together as well, hahaha! Because he is an active soldier he also requested that SNSD make an appearance at his platoon! :D
The final mysterious person was for Sooyoung! (Sorry, going to cut this one really short, no time ^^;)
Apparently, she was a teacher that Sooyoung had and Sooyoung teared up when she recalled her. They also happily reunited.
And that concludes the show!
Comment! :D
hey thanks for the translation,really appreciate it XD
ReplyDeleteThanks!!! If you have more time is it possible for you to translate in more detail for Sooyoung?
ReplyDeleteBut your translation is really long haha!
Yoona's part is hilarious! lol
they're so hillarious~
ReplyDeleteyoona's childhood is funny :P
i remember! she said that she never played 'go stop' at SGB, right? lol yoona~
love yoonyul's part >.<
this is really funny! thanks for your translation
ReplyDeletei made a playlist for this episode here http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=2AD526F03435E490
no sub :D
you're welcome guys.
ReplyDelete@lettypuff: you probably already know this by now but SSF has subbed the full episode! :D
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